Lecture 1 Operating System Overview

Section 3 The Evolution History of OS

Yong Xiang, Yu Chen, Guoliang Li, Ju Ren

Spring 2024

Single User System

Single User System (1945-1955)

  • Manual wire/using tape for program input
  • Machine cost is much greater than the labor cost
  • OS = loader + libraries
  • Problem: Low utilization of the expensive components

Batch processing system

Batch processing system (1955-1965)

  • Using TAPE/DISK for program input
  • Machine cost is greater than labor cost
  • OS = loader + program controller + output processor
  • Evolution: Increased utilization than before

Batch processing system

Batch processing system (1955-1965)

  • Using TAPE/DISK for program input
  • Machine cost is greater than labor cost
  • OS = loader + program controller + output processor
  • Evolution: Increased utilization than before

Multiprogramming system

Multiprogramming system (1955-1980)

  • multiple programs reside in memory
  • Multiple programs take CPU in turn
  • OS = loader + program scheduler + memory management + output management
  • Evolution: Further increased utilization

Time Sharing System

Time Sharing System (1970-present)

  • Multiple programs reside in memory
  • Multiple programs use the CPU in a time-sharing way
  • OS = loader + program scheduler + memory management + interrupt handling +...
  • Evolution: high utilization, reduced interaction delay



-The project of MULTICS started in 1964, led by MIT, along with General Electric and Bell Labs.

-It is an influential early time-sharing OS built on GE 645 computer, and a multi-user and multi-task OS based on the concept of a single-level memory.

-Innovations: PL/I, time-sharing scheduling, virtual memory, segemented memory, shared memory multiprocessor

-Although it failed, it had significant influence on modern OSes, especially on Unix.


  • Developed by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie (AT&T's Bell Labs) in 1969.

  • Orginally in assembly language, rewritten in C by Dennis in 1973.

  • AT&T licensed Unix to outside parties in the late 1970s, bringing many Unix variants from vendors.


  • Developed by Linus Torvalds and first released on 1991

  • Open-source and free

  • inspried by MINIX, a teaching OS kernel developed by Andrew S. Tanenbaum in the University of Helsinki

Personal computer

Personal computer (1981- )

  • Single user
  • The computer cost drops so that CPU utilization is no longer a key concern
  • Focus on user interface and multimedia supports
  • OS = loader + program scheduler + memory management + interrupt handling +...
  • Evolution: to the public, more security issues

MacOS Family

MacOS Family

Windows family

Distributed System

Distributed System (1990- )

  • Distributed multiple users
  • Resource utilization is a key concern
  • The focus is on the efficiency of network/storage/computation
  • OS = distributed (loader + program/OS scheduler + memory management)
  • Evolution: to the public, towards Internet, new challenges (unreliable/uncertain)

Android OS

  • Cross-platform: support Java applications
  • Runtime: Android virtual machine
  • Application Framework: Simplified application development framework

AIoT operating system

AIoT system (2000- )

  • Distributed multiple devices
  • Utilization/availability is a key concern
  • The focus is on the efficiency of network/storage/compute
  • OS = distributed (program/OS scheduler + memory management + security/updates)
  • Evolution: towards device, towards network, new challenges (unreliable/big data)

Fuchsia OS

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