Lecture 3 Privilege based Isolation and Batch Processing

Section 3 Practice: Batch Operating System

Xiang Yong, Chen Yu, Li Guoliang, Ren Ju

Spring 2023


1. Lab objectives

  1. Lab steps
  2. Software Architecture
  3. Related hardware
  4. Application Design
  5. Kernel programming

Structure of batch operating systems

Batch OS targets

  • Isolate APP from OS
  • Automatically load and run multiple programs
    • Batch processing

LibOS target

  • Isolate applications from hardware
  • Simplifies the difficulty and complexity of accessing hardware from applications

Lab Requirements

  • Understand software that runs other software
  • Understand privileges and privilege switching
  • Understand system calls
  • Can write Dunkleosteus batch OS

Dunkleosteus: An ocean overlord with a sturdy shield in the Devonian

General Idea

  • Compilation: Compile applications and kernel independently, merged into one image
  • Construction: system call service request interface, application management and initialization
  • Execution: OS executes applications one by one
  • Execution: Application issue system call requests, and OS completes the system calls.
  • Execution: Hardware privilege mechanism based privilege switching (between application and OS).

History background

  • GM-NAA I/O System(1956)
    • Inspiration: Automobile production line
  • MULTICS OS (1969, MIT/GE/AT&T)
    • GE(General Electric) 645 has a protection ring with 8-level hardware support
      GM-NAA (General Motors and North American Aviation);


  1. Lab objectives

2. Lab steps

  1. Software Architecture
  2. Related hardware
  3. Application Design
  4. Kernel programming


  • Construct a single execution image containing OS and multiple APPs
  • Support automatic loading and execution of multiple APPs via batch processing
  • Use the hardware privilege mechanism to achieve the protection of OS
  • Support system calls for crossing privilegea
  • Achieve privileges crossing

Steps of Compilation

git clone https://github.com/rcore-os/rCore-Tutorial-v3.git
cd rCore-Tutorial-v3
git checkout ch2

cd os
make run

Referred execution results

[kernel] num_app = 5
[kernel] app_0 [0x8020a038, 0x8020af90)
[kernel] Loading app_0
Hello, world!
[kernel] Application exited with code 0
[kernel] Loading app_1
[kernel] Panicked at src/batch.rs:58 All applications completed!


  1. Lab objectives
  2. Lab steps

3. Software Architecture

  1. Related hardware
  2. Application Design
  3. Kernel programming

Building the application

Combine multiple applications together with OS to form a binary image

├── os
│ ├── build.rs (new: generate link_app.S to link the application to the kernel as a data segment)
│ ├── Cargo.toml
│ ├── Makefile (modification: build the application before building the kernel)
│ └── src
│ ├── link_app.S (build product, output by os/build.rs)

Improve OS

Load and execute programs, privileges/context switching

├── os
│ └── src
│ ├── batch.rs (new: implement a simple batch processing system)
│ ├── main.rs (modification: the main function needs to initialize Trap processing and load/execute the application)

│ └── trap (new: Trap related submodule "trap")
│ ├── context.rs (contains Trap context "TrapContext")
│ ├── mod.rs (includes "trap_handler")
│ └── trap.S (contains the assembly code for saving and restoring the Trap context)

System Calls

├── os
│ └── src
│ ├── syscall (new: system call submodule "syscall")
│ │ ├── fs.rs (contains file I/O related syscalls)
│ │ ├── mod.rs (provides "syscall" method to distribute different syscall IDs)
│ │ └── process.rs (contains task execution related syscalls)

Add Application

Batch OS will load and execute them sequentially according to the order of numbers in the file names

└── user (new: test cases are saved in the "user" directory)
    └── src
       ├── bin (Applications developed based on "user_lib", each application is placed in a separate source file)
       │ ├── 00hello_world.rs # Application to display strings
       │ ├── 01store_fault.rs # Application of illegal write operation
       │ ├── 02power.rs # Application where computing/IO frequently switch
       │ ├── 03priv_inst.rs # Application to execute privileged instructions
       │ └── 04priv_csr.rs # Application to execute CSR operation instructions

Application library and application compilation support

Application library and application compilation support

└── user (new: application test cases are saved in the user directory)
    └── src
       ├── console.rs # Functions and macros to support "println!"
       ├── lang_items.rs # Support "panic_handler" function
       ├── lib.rs(user library user_lib) # The underlying support library for applications
       ├── linker.ld # Application link script
       └── syscall.rs (contains assembly instructions generated for system calls,
                      each specific syscall is implemented through "syscall")


  1. Lab objectives
  2. Lab steps
  3. Software Architecture

4. Related hardware

  1. Application Design
  2. Kernel programming

RISC-V Trap instructions

  • ecall: Trigger different traps depending on the CPU's current privilege
  • ebreak: Trigger a breakpoint trap

RISC-V Privileged Instructions

  • sret: Trigger different traps depending on the CPU's current privilege

RISC-V exception vector

Interrupt Exception Code Description
0 0 Instruction address misaligned
0 1 Instruction access fault
0 2 Illegal instruction
0 3 Breakpoint
0 4 Load address misaligned
0 5 Load access fault

RISC-V exception vector

Interrupt Exception Code Description
0 6 Store/AMO address misaligned
0 7 Store/AMO access fault
0 8 Environment call from U-mode
0 9 Environment call from S-mode
0 11 Environment call from M-mode

RISC-V exception vector

Interrupt Exception Code Description
0 12 Instruction page fault
0 13 Load page fault
0 15 Store/AMO page fault
  • AMO: atomic memory operation


  1. Lab objectives
  2. Lab steps

5. Application Design

  • project structure
  • memory layout
  • system calls
  1. Kernel programming

Separation of Application and underlying support library

└── user (application and underlying support library)
    └── src
       ├── bin (this directory places applications developed based on "user_lib")
       ├── lib.rs(user library user_lib) # The underlying library functions
       ├── ...... # Support library related files
       └── linker.ld # Application link script

import external library

   extern crate user_lib;

Design support library

In lib.rs we define the entry point _start for the user library:

#[link_section = ".text.entry"]
pub extern "C" fn _start() -> ! {
     panic!("unreachable after sys_exit!");


  1. Lab objectives


  1. Application Design
  • project structure
  • Memory layout
  • system calls
  1. Kernel programming

Memory layout of applications

Design support library


  • Set the starting physical address of the program to 0x80400000, and the program will be loaded to this address to run;
  • Put the .text.entry (where _start is located at) to the beginning of the entire program. As long as the batch processing system jumps to 0x80400000 after loading, it has entered the entry point of the user library and will jump to the application. The system will jump to application main logic after initialization;
  • Provides the start and end addresses of the .bss section of the final executable file, which is used by clear_bss function.

The rest is the same as before.


  1. Lab objectives


  1. Application Design
  • project structure
  • memory layout
  • System Calls
  1. Kernel programming

System call execution flow of the application

System call execution flow of the application

  • In the submodule "syscall", the application calls the interface provided by the batch system through "ecall"
  • The ecall instruction triggers an exception, named Environment call from U-mode
  • Trap falls into the S-Mode to execute exception handler code.
  • a0~a6 save the parameters of the system call, a0 saves the return value, and a7 is used to pass the syscall ID

Support library for System Call

/// Function: Dump the data in memory buffer into the file.
/// Parameter: `fd` indicates the file descriptor of the target file to be written into;
/// `buf` indicates the starting address of the memory buffer;
/// `len` indicates the length of the memory buffer.
/// Return value: Returns the length that has been written successfully.
/// syscall ID: 64
fn sys_write(fd: usize, buf: *const u8, len: usize) -> isize;

/// Function: Exit the application and provide the batch system with return value.
/// Parameter: `xstate` represents the return value of the application.
/// Return value: This system call should not return.
/// syscall ID: 93
fn sys_exit(xstate: usize) -> !;

System call parameter passing

fn syscall(id: usize, args: [usize; 3]) -> isize {
     let mut ret: isize;
     unsafe {
             inlateout("x10") args[0] => ret, //first parameter & return value
             in("x11") args[1], //the second parameter
             in("x12") args[2], //the third parameter
             in("x17") id //syscall number
     ret //return value

System call encapsulation

const SYSCALL_WRITE: usize = 64;
const SYSCALL_EXIT: usize = 93;
// Encapsulation of system calls
pub fn sys_write(fd: usize, buffer: &[u8]) -> isize {
     syscall(SYSCALL_WRITE, [fd, buffer.as_ptr() as usize, buffer.len()])
pub fn sys_exit(xstate: i32) -> isize {
     syscall(SYSCALL_EXIT, [xstate as usize, 0, 0])

System call encapsulation

pub fn write(fd: usize, buf: &[u8]) -> isize { sys_write(fd, buf) }

const STDOUT: usize = 1;

impl Write for Stdout {
     fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result {
         write(STDOUT, s.as_bytes());



  1. Application Design

6. Kernel programming

  • Application management and loading
  • Privilege switching
  • Trap context
  • Trap processing flow
  • Execution of applications

Link the application image to the kernel

# os/src/link_app.S generated by script os/build.rs
     .section .data
     .quad 5
     .quad app_0_start
     .quad app_4_end
     .section .data
     .global app_0_start
     .global app_0_end
     .incbin "../user/target/riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf/release/00hello_world.bin"

Auxiliary Data Structures for Application Management

// os/src/batch.rs

struct AppManager {
     num_app: usize,
     current_app: usize,
     app_start: [usize; MAX_APP_NUM + 1],

Find the application binary

  • Locate the symbol "_num_app" provided in link_app.S
lazy_static! {
     static ref APP_MANAGER: UPSafeCell<AppManager> = unsafe { UPSafeCell::new({
         extern "C" { fn _num_app(); }
         let num_app_ptr = _num_app as usize as *const usize;
         AppManager {
             current_app: 0,

Load the application binary

unsafe fn load_app(&self, app_id: usize) {
     // clear icache
     // clear app area
     let app_src = core::slice::from_raw_parts(
         self.app_start[app_id] as *const u8,
         self.app_start[app_id + 1] - self.app_start[app_id] );
     let app_dst = core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(
         APP_BASE_ADDRESS as *mut u8,

Load the application binary

  • fence.i : used to clear i-cache

Note: fence.i is an i-cache barrier instruction, a non-privileged instruction, which belongs to the "Zifencei" extended specification


Load the application binary

  • fence.i : used to clear i-cache

  • Caches for physical memory include d-cache and i-cache

  • OS may modify the memory area that will be fetched by the CPU, which will make the i-cache contain inconsistent content with the memory

  • Here OS must use fence.i to manually clear the i-cache to invalidate all the contents, to prevent CPU from reading inconsistent data from cache.



  1. Application Design
  2. Kernel programming
  • Application management and loading
  • Privilege Switching
  • Trap context
  • Trap processing flow
  • Execution of applications

CSR for privilege switching

| CSR name | Trap-related function of this CSR |
| ------- | ----------------------------------------- ------------------- |
| sstatus | SPP will give the privilege (S/U) before the Trap occurs |
| sepc | Records the address of last instruction executed before the Trap occurrs |
|scause | Describes the reason for the Trap |
| stval | Gives additional information about the Trap |
| stvec | Records the entry address of the Trap handler |

Hardware logic after privilege switching

  1. SPP of sstatus will record the current CPU privilege(U/S);
  2. Set sepc to the return address after the Trap processing is completed(next instruction that will be executed);
  3. Scause/stval will record the source of this Trap and relevant additional information;
  4. CPU sets the current privilege to S, and jumps to the Trap handler entry address set by stvec.

Privilege switching and user stack/kernel stack

Why does OS use two different stacks?

For safety!

const USER_STACK_SIZE: usize = 4096 * 2;
const KERNEL_STACK_SIZE: usize = 4096 * 2;

static KERNEL_STACK: KernelStack = KernelStack { data: [0; KERNEL_STACK_SIZE] };
static USER_STACK: UserStack = UserStack { data: [0; USER_STACK_SIZE] };

Switch stack in privilege switching

impl UserStack {
     fn get_sp(&self) -> usize {
         self.data.as_ptr() as usize + USER_STACK_SIZE
RegSP = USER_STACK. get_sp();
RegSP = KERNEL_STACK.get_sp();



  1. Application Design
  2. Kernel programming
  • Application management and loading
  • Privilege switching
  • Trap context
  • Trap processing flow
  • Execution of applications

Auxiliary data structure for Trap context

pub struct TrapContext {
     pub x: [usize; 32],
     pub sstatus: Sstatus,
     pub sepc: usize,
  • Control flow of application/kernel runs at different privileges for general-purpose registers
  • When entering Trap, the hardware will immediately overwrite scause/stval/sstatus/sepc.

Trap entry point after privilege switching

pub fn init() {
     extern "C" { fn __alltraps(); }
     unsafe {
         stvec::write(__alltraps as usize, TrapMode::Direct);

Trap context processing during system calls

  1. When the application enters the kernel mode through "ecall", OS saves the Trap context of the interrupted application;

Trap context processing during system calls

  1. OS distributes and finishes system call services according to the Trap-related CSR register;

Trap context processing during system calls

  1. After OS completes system call services, it needs to restore the Trap context of the interrupted application, and let the application continue execution through the sret instruction.

Switch from user stack to kernel stack

sscratch CSR: An important transit register

When the privilege is switched, we need to save the Trap context on the kernel stack, so we need a register to temporarily store the kernel stack address, and use it as the base address pointer to save the contents of the Trap context.

But all general-purpose registers cannot be used as base address pointers, because they all need to be saved. Overwritting them will affect the execution of subsequent application control flow.

Switch from user stack to kernel stack

sscratch CSR: An important transit register

  • Temporarily save the address of the kernel stack
  • As a transit station, the value of sp (pointing to the address of the user stack) can be temporarily saved in sscratch
  • Only need csrrw sp, sscratch, sp // swap the two register contents of sp and sscratch
  • Complete the switching of user stack --> kernel stack

Save general-purpose registers in the Trap context

Macros to save general-purpose registers

# os/src/trap/trap.S
.macro SAVE_GP n
     sd x\n, \n*8(sp)



  1. Application Design
  2. Kernel programming
  • Application management and loading
  • Privilege switching
  • Trap context
  • Trap processing flow
  • Execution of applications

Trap processing flow

The overall workflow of Trap processing is as follows:

  1. First save the Trap context on the kernel stack through __alltraps;
  2. Then jump to the trap_handler function to complete trap distribution and processing.
     csrrw sp, sscratch, sp
     # now sp->kernel stack, sscratch->user stack

     # allocate a TrapContext on kernel stack
     addi sp, sp, -34*8

Save Trap context

save general purpose registers

     # save general-purpose registers
     sd x1, 1*8(sp)
     # skip sp(x2), we will save it later
     sd x3, 3*8(sp)
     # skip tp(x4), application does not use it
     # save x5~x31
     .set n, 5
     .rept 27
         SAVE_GP %n
         .set n, n+1

Save Trap context

save sstatus and sepc

     # we can use t0/t1/t2 freely, because they were saved on kernel stack
     csrr t0, sstatus
     csrr t1, sepc
     sd t0, 32*8(sp)
     sd t1, 33*8(sp)

Save Trap context

Save user SP

     # read user stack from sscratch and save it on the kernel stack
     csrr t2, sscratch
     sd t2, 2*8(sp)
pub struct TrapContext {
     pub x: [usize; 32],
     pub sstatus: Sstatus,
     pub sepc: usize,

Call trap_handler

     # set input argument of trap_handler(cx: &mut TrapContext)
     mv a0, sp
     call trap_handler

Let the register a0 point to the stack pointer of kernel stack, which is the address of the Trap context we just saved. This is because we will call trap_handler for Trap processing next, and its first parameter cx is obtained from a0 by the calling specification.

Restore Trap context

  1. Most of them are reverse operations of saving registers;
  2. The last step is sret instruction //return from kernel mode to user mode

Note: We will talk about more details of "Restore Trap Context" later.

Syscall processing by trap_handler

pub fn trap_handler(cx: &mut TrapContext) -> &mut TrapContext {
    let scause = scause::read();
    let stval = stval::read();
    match scause.cause() {
        Trap::Exception(Exception::UserEnvCall) => {
            cx.sepc += 4;
            cx.x[10] = syscall(cx.x[17], [cx.x[10], cx.x[11], cx.x[12]]) as usize;

Syscall processing by trap_handler

pub fn sys_exit(xstate: i32) -> ! {
    println!("[kernel] Application exited with code {}", xstate);



  1. Application Design
  2. Kernel programming
  • Application management and loading
  • privilege switching
  • Trap context
  • Trap processing flow
  • Execution of applications

When to execute applications

  • After the batch OS initialization is complete
  • When an application terminates or an error occurrs

Executions of applications

Switch from kernel mode to user mode

  • Ready to apply the saved context Trap Context
  • Restore application related registers
  • especially pay attention to user stack pointer and previous execution address of the application
  • Return to user mode to continue execute the application

Return to user mode to continue execute the app

  • Switch from kernel mode to user mode
    • hardware logic of sret instruction:
      • Resume the response to interrupts/exceptions(unmask interrupts)
      • Switch CPU Mode from S-Mode back to U-Mode
      • pc <-- spec CSR
      • Continue execution

Switch to the next application

Call the "run_next_app" function to switch to the next application:

  • Construct the Trap context for the application;
  • Through the __restore function, from the newly constructed Trap context, restore part of the registers of the application;
  • Set the content of the sepc CSR to the application entry point 0x80400000;
  • switch scratch and sp registers, set sp to point to the application user stack;
  • Execute sret to switch from S-Mode to U-Mode.

Construct Trap context

impl TrapContext {
     pub fn set_sp(&mut self, sp: usize) { self. x[2] = sp; }
     pub fn app_init_context(entry: usize, sp: usize) -> Self {
         let mut sstatus = sstatus::read();
         let mut cx = Self {
             x: [0; 32],
             sepc: entry,

Run the next application

ub fn run_next_app() -> ! {
     unsafe {
     unsafe {
             TrapContext::app_init_context(APP_BASE_ADDRESS, USER_STACK.get_sp())
         ) as *const _ as usize);
     panic!("Unreachable in batch::run_current_app!");

Run the next application

     # case1: start running app by __restore
     # case2: back to U after handling trap
     mv sp, a0
     # now sp->kernel stack(after allocated), sscratch->user stack
     # restore sstatus/sepc
     ld t0, 32*8(sp)
     ld t1, 33*8(sp)
     ld t2, 2*8(sp)
     csrw sstatus, t0
     csrw sepc, t1
     csrw sscratch, t2

Run the next application

# restore general-purpuse registers except sp/tp
     ld x1, 1*8(sp)
     ld x3, 3*8(sp)
     .set n, 5
     .rept 27
         LOAD_GP %n
         .set n, n+1
     # release TrapContext on kernel stack
     addi sp, sp, 34*8
     # now sp->kernel stack, sscratch->user stack
     csrrw sp, sscratch, sp

Ask a question

When is sscratch set to the top of the kernel stack?


  • Relationship between OS and hardware
  • Relationship between OS and applications
  • Isolation mechanisms
  • Creation of batch system and execution of applications
  • Privilege switching
  • system calls
  • Be able to write Dengshiyu OS

- Construct & Load OS&APP - Protect OS based on RV privilege mechanism - System call support - privilege switching