Yong Xiang, Yu Chen, Guoliang Li, Ju Ren
Spring 2023
The widespread use of OS began during the transition from mainframes to minicomputers.
Terms appeared in history: Job, Multiprogramming
The widespread use of minicomputers led to a demand for time-sharing and multi-task capabilities, resulting in the development of time-sharing multi-user OS.
Time-sharing Multi-task: from user's perspective
Terms appeared in history: Job, Task, Process
Reference: Difference between Job, Task and Process
A task is an abstraction of a program in the execution of OS
Multiple executions of the same program lead to different tasks
Resources required for task execution
A process contains all status information about a running program
The core data structure of OS for managing tasks, also known as process control block (PCB)
What system calls are involved?
During the lifecycle of a task, when does a task switch occur?
More powerful features that need to be developed: - Stronger isolation, collaboration between tasks...