Lecture 9 File System

Section 4 OS with File System

Filesystem OS (FOS)

Yong Xiang, Yu Chen, Guoliang Li, Ju Ren

Spring 2023


1. Lab objectives and steps

  • Lab objectives
  • Interface and data structure of file system
  • Practical steps
  1. Code structure
  2. Application design
  3. Kernel programming

Previous lab objectives:

Improve performance, simplify development, and enhance security

  • Process OS: Enhance process management and resource management
  • Address Space OS: Isolate the memory address space accessed by applications, so they do not need to consider their runtime starting address
  • Multiprog & time-sharing OS: Enable effective CPU sharing among applications to improve overall system performance and efficiency
  • BatchOS: Isolate applications from the OS to enhance system security and improve execution efficiency
  • LibOS: Isolate applications from hardware to simplify hardware access and reduce complexity

Lab objectives

Support data persistence

  • Persistently store data in file format and allow for file data reading and writing
  • Allow processes to use file resources
  • Enable the following system calls at the application level:
    • open/read/write/close


  • 1965: MULTICS describes the future OS
    • Pointed the way forward
      • Described file data as an unformatted byte stream
      • Introduced the concept of a hierarchical file system for the first time
    • Inspired the design of UNIX
      • The UNIX file system sees everything as a file

Lab requirements

  • Understand file system/file concepts
  • Understand the design and implementation of file system
  • Understand the entire file access process of the application <-> library <->...<-> device driver
  • Be able to write an OS that supports the file system

Issues to consider:

  • How is the file system organized on the hard disk? What is the layout of hard disk?
  • How are free disk blocks managed?
  • How are files/directories represented?
    • What is a file? What is a directory?
  • How is file/directory data content represented?
  • How to access a file?

Lab file types

  • Current
    • Regular file
    • Directory file
  • Future
    • Link file
    • Device file
    • Pipe file

General idea


  1. Lab objectives and steps
  • Lab objectives

Interface and data structure of file system

  • Practical steps
  1. Code structure
  2. Application design
  3. Kernel programming

File access process

Access interface of file system

Access interface of file system

Access interface of file system

Access interface of file system

Data structure of file system


  1. Lab objectives and steps
  • Lab objectives
  • Interface and data structure of file system

Practical steps

  1. Code structure
  2. Application design
  3. Kernel programming

Lab steps

  • Compilation: The kernel is compiled independently, creating a separate kernel image
  • Compilation: After compiling the application programs, a file system image is formed through organization
  • Construction: The management and initialization of processes, establishing virtual memory space based on the page table mechanism
  • Construction: Building the file system
  • Execution: Privilege level switching, switching between processes and the OS
  • Execution: Switching address space, accessing data across address spaces
  • Execution: Loading applications from the file system to create processes
  • Execution: Data access: memory--disk, file-based reading and writing

Practical steps

git clone https://github.com/rcore-os/rCore-Tutorial-v3.git
cd rCore-Tutorial-v3
git checkout ch6
cd os
make run

Practical steps

[RustSBI output]
Rust user shell

After the operating system boots the shell, users can execute applications by typing in the application name in the shell

From the user interface, we cannot see anything about the file system

Practical steps

Here, we will run the test case "filetest_simple" for this chapter:

>> filetest_simple
file_test passed!
Shell: Process 2 exited with code 0

It will output "Hello, world!" to another file "filea", and read the contents to confirm the output is correct

Practical steps

We can also use the command line tool "cat_filea" to view the content of "filea" more intuitively:

>> cat_filea
Hello, world!
Shell: Process 2 exited with code 0


  1. Lab objectives and steps

2. Code structure

  1. Application design
  2. Kernel programming

Software architecture

  • File operations
    • open
    • read
    • write
    • close

Code structure

Add easy-fs

├── easy-fs (新增:从内核中独立出来的一个简单的文件系统 EasyFileSystem 的实现)
│ ├── Cargo.toml
│ └── src
│ ├── bitmap.rs (位图抽象)
│ ├── block_cache.rs (块缓存层,将块设备中的部分块缓存在内存中)
│ ├── block_dev.rs (声明块设备抽象接口 BlockDevice,需要库的使用者提供其实现)
│ ├── efs.rs (实现整个 EasyFileSystem 的磁盘布局)
│ ├── layout.rs (一些保存在磁盘上的数据结构的内存布局)
│ ├── lib.rs (定义的必要信息)
│ └── vfs.rs (提供虚拟文件系统的核心抽象,即索引节点 Inode)
├── easy-fs-fuse (新增:将当前 OS 上的应用可执行文件按照 easy-fs 的格式进行打包)
│ ├── Cargo.toml
│ └── src
│       └─ main.rs

Code structure

Improve OS

├── os
│ ├── build.rs
│ ├── Cargo.toml (修改:新增 Qemu 和 K210 两个平台的块设备驱动依赖 crate)
│ ├── Makefile (修改:新增文件系统的构建流程)
│ └── src
│ ├── config.rs (修改:新增访问块设备所需的一些 MMIO 配置)
│ ├── console.rs
│ ├── drivers (修改:新增 Qemu 和 K210 两个平台的块设备驱动)
│ │ ├── block
│ │ │ ├── mod.rs (将不同平台上的块设备全局实例化为 BLOCK_DEVICE 提供给其他模块使用)
│ │ │ ├── sdcard.rs (K210 平台上的 microSD 块设备, Qemu不会用)
│ │ │ └── virtio_blk.rs (Qemu 平台的 virtio-blk 块设备)
│ │ └── mod.rs

Code structure

Improve OS

├── os
│ ├── fs (修改:在文件系统中新增常规文件的支持)
│ │ ├── inode.rs (新增:将Inode抽象封装为OSInode,并实现fs子模块的 File Trait)
│ ├── loader.rs (移除:应用加载器 loader 子模块,本章开始从文件系统中加载应用)
│ ├── mm
│ │ ├── memory_set.rs (修改:在创建地址空间的时候插入 MMIO 虚拟页面)
│ ├── syscall
│ │ ├── fs.rs (修改:新增 sys_open)
│ │ └── process.rs (修改:sys_exec 改为从文件系统中加载 ELF,并支持命令行参数)
│ ├── task
│ │ ├── mod.rs (修改初始进程 INITPROC 的初始化)

Storage block devices


  1. Lab objectives and steps
  2. Code structure

3. Application design

  • Files and directories
  • File access system calls
  1. Kernel programming

Understanding files

  • Virtualization and abstraction of persistent storage
    • Tape, Disk, SSD...
    • Users use them to store the data they really care about

Understanding files from an application perspective

  • A file is a special linear byte array, where each byte can be read or written
  • Each file has a string name that is understandable to the user
  • Each file also has a low-level name that is understandable to the programmer - the file descriptor
  • Displaying the linear byte content of a file
     $ hexedit os/src/main.rs

Understanding files from a kernel perspective

  • A file is data on a storage device that needs to be managed through a file system
  • The structure that manages files is called an inode, which describes various properties of the file and its data location
  • Displaying the linear byte content of a file
     $ cd os ; stat src/main.rs

Understanding directories from an application perspective

  • A directory is a special file that contains a list of filenames under that directory
  • Displaying the contents of a directory
   $ cd os ; ls -la

Understanding directories from a kernel perspective

  • A directory is a special file that contains an array of (user-readable filename, inode) pairs
  • DirEntry array
pub struct DirEntry {
     name: [u8; NAME_LENGTH_LIMIT + 1],
     inode_number: u32,


  1. Lab objectives and steps
  2. Code structure
  3. Application design
  • Files and directories
  • File access system calls

  1. Kernel programming

open() system call

/// 功能:打开一个常规文件,并返回可以访问它的文件描述符。
/// 参数:path 描述要打开的文件的文件名
/// (简单起见,文件系统不需要支持目录,所有的文件都放在根目录 / 下),
/// flags 描述打开文件的标志,具体含义下面给出。
/// 返回值:如果出现了错误则返回 -1,否则返回打开常规文件的文件描述符。
/// 可能的错误原因是:文件不存在。
/// syscall ID:56
fn sys_open(path: &str, flags: u32) -> isize

close() system call

/// 功能:当前进程关闭一个文件。
/// 参数:fd 表示要关闭的文件的文件描述符。
/// 返回值:如果成功关闭则返回 0 ,否则返回 -1 。
/// 可能的出错原因:传入的文件描述符并不对应一个打开的文件。

/// syscall ID:57
fn sys_close(fd: usize) -> isize

read() system call

/// 功能:当前进程读取文件。
/// 参数:fd 表示要读取文件的文件描述符。
/// 返回值:如果成功读入buf,则返回 读取的字节数,否则返回 -1 。
/// 可能的出错原因:传入的文件描述符并不对应一个打开的文件。

/// syscall ID:63
sys_read(fd: usize, buf: *const u8, len: usize) -> isize

write() system call

/// 功能:当前进程写入一个文件。
/// 参数:fd 表示要写入文件的文件描述符。
/// 返回值:如果成功把buf写入,则返回写入字节数 ,否则返回 -1 。
/// 可能的出错原因:传入的文件描述符并不对应一个打开的文件。

/// syscall ID:64
fn sys_write(fd: usize, buf: *const u8, len: usize) -> isize

Application examples

// user/src/bin/filetest_simple.rs
pub fn main() -> i32 {
     let test_str = "Hello, world!";
     let filea = "filea\0";
     // Create file filea, return file descriptor fd (signed integer)
     let fd = open(filea, OpenFlags::CREATE | OpenFlags::WRONLY);
     write(fd, test_str.as_bytes()); // write test_str to the file
     close(fd); // close the file
     let fd = open(filea, OpenFlags::RDONLY); // open the file in read-only mode
     let mut buffer = [0u8; 100]; // 100 byte array buffer
     let read_len = read(fd, &mut buffer) as usize;// read file content into the buffer
     close(fd); // close the file


  1. Lab objectives and steps
  2. Code structure
  3. Application design

4. Kernel programming

  • Core data structure
  • File management mechanism

Core data structure

  • Process management files
    • Directories, files
    • Inodes
    • File descriptor
    • File descriptor table

Core data structure

  • Files are located in the root directory ROOT_INODE
  • The content of a directory is an array of DirEntry
  • Files/directories are represented by inode
pub struct DirEntry {
     name: [u8; NAME_LENGTH_LIMIT + 1],
     inode_number: u32,
let fd = open(filea, OpenFlags::RDONLY);

Core data structure

  • Opened files are in the process fd_table
  • fd_table is an array of OSInode
pub struct TaskControlBlockInner {
     pub fd_table: ... //file descriptor table

pub struct OSInode {//process management inode
     readable: bool, writable: bool,
     inner: UPSafeCell<OSInodeInner>,

pub struct OSInodeInner {
     offset: usize, //The offset position of file read and write
     inode: Arc<Inode>,//storage device inode

Core data structures

  • Superblock
  • inode/data bitmap
  • disk_inode
  • disk_data
  • blk_cache


SuperBlock describes global information about the file system

pub struct SuperBlock {
     magic: u32,
     pub total_blocks: u32,
     pub inode_bitmap_blocks: u32,
     pub inode_area_blocks: u32,
     pub data_bitmap_blocks: u32,
     pub data_area_blocks: u32,

Bitmap (bitmap)

Bitmap describes global information about the file system

  • There are two types of bitmaps in the easy-fs layout
    • Inode bitmap
    • Data block bitmap
pub struct Bitmap {
     start_block_id: usize,
     blocks: usize,


  • read_at and write_at convert the file offset and buf length to a series of block numbers, then read and write data blocks through get_block_cache.
  • get_block_id method shows the most important function of DiskInode (i.e., indexing data block). It can find the number of the block used to save the file content, so that subsequent access to this data block can be performed


DiskInode describes file information and data

pub struct DiskInode {
     pub size: u32,
     pub direct: [u32; INODE_DIRECT_COUNT],
     pub indirect1: u32,
     pub indirect2: u32,
     type_: DiskInodeType,

Data blocks and directory entries

type DataBlock = [u8; BLOCK_SZ];

pub struct DirEntry {
     name: [u8; NAME_LENGTH_LIMIT + 1],
     inode_number: u32,

Block cache

pub const BLOCK_SZ: usize = 512;

pub struct BlockCache {
     cache: [u8; BLOCK_SZ], //512字节数组
     block_id: usize, //对应的块编号
     block_device: Arc<dyn BlockDevice>,
     modified: bool, //它有没有被修改过

get_block_cache: get a block cache numbered block_id


  1. Lab objectives and steps
  2. Code structure
  3. Application design
  4. Kernel programming
  • Core data structures

File management mechanism

Overview of file management mechanism

  1. File system initialization
  2. Opening and closing files
  3. Loading applications based on files
  4. Reading and writing files

File system initialization

  1. Open block device BLOCK_DEVICE
  2. Open file system from block device BLOCK_DEVICE
  3. Get the inode of the root directory from the file system
lazy_static! {
     pub static ref BLOCK_DEVICE = Arc::new(BlockDeviceImpl::new());
lazy_static! {
     pub static ref ROOT_INODE: Arc<Inode> = {
         let efs = EasyFileSystem::open(BLOCK_DEVICE.clone());

Open (create) a file

pub fn sys_open(path: *const u8, flags: u32) -> isize {
     if let Some(inode) = open_file(path.as_str(),
                            OpenFlags::from_bits(flags).unwrap()) {
         let mut inner = task. inner_exclusive_access();
         let fd = inner.alloc_fd(); //得到一个空闲的fd_table项的idx,即fd
         inner.fd_table[fd] = Some(inode); //把inode填入fd_table[fd]中
         fd as isize // return fd

If failed, return -1

Open (create) a file

fn open_file(name: &str, flags: OpenFlags) -> Option<Arc<OSInode>> {
  ROOT_INODE.create(name) //在根目录中创建一个DireEntry<name,inode>
                 .map(|inode| {//创建进程中fd_table[OSInode]
                         inode, ))

Create a file in the root directory ROOT_INODE, return OSInode

Open (find) a file

fn open_file(name: &str, flags: OpenFlags) -> Option<Arc<OSInode>> {
  ROOT_INODE.find(name) //在根目录中查找DireEntry<name,inode>
             .map(|inode| { //创建进程中fd_table[OSInode]
                     inode ))

Find a file in the root directory ROOT_INODE, return OSInode

Close a file

pub fn sys_close(fd: usize) -> isize {
     let task = current_task().unwrap();
     let mut inner = task.inner_exclusive_access();

sys_close : hange the corresponding item in the process control block's file descriptor table to None, indicating that it is already free. This also reduces the reference count of the file. When the reference count is reduced to 0, the resources occupied by the file will be automatically recycled

Load application based on the file

Load application based on the file (ELF executable file format)

     pub fn sys_exec(path: *const u8) -> isize {
         if let Some(app_inode) = open_file(path.as_str(), ...) {
             let all_data = app_inode. read_all();
             let task = current_task().unwrap();
             task.exec(all_data.as_slice()); 0
     } else { -1 }

When obtaining the ELF file data of the application, first call the open_file function to open the application file in read-only mode and obtain its corresponding OSInode. Then use OSInode::read_all to read all the data of the file into a vector all_data

Reading and writing files

  • Based on file abstract interface and file descriptor table
  • Can handle basic file reading and writing according to unstructured byte stream
   pub fn sys_write(fd: usize, buf: *const u8, len: usize) -> isize {
         if let Some(file) = &inner. fd_table[fd] {
                 UserBuffer::new(translated_byte_buffer(token, buf, len))
             ) as isize

The operating system finds a file in the file descriptor table of the current process through the file descriptor, and does not need to care about the specific type of the file.

Read and write files

  • Based on the file abstraction interface and file descriptor table
  • Basic file reading and writing can be processed according to the unstructured byte stream
   pub fn sys_read(fd: usize, buf: *const u8, len: usize) -> isize {
         if let Some(file) = &inner. fd_table[fd] {
             file. read(
                 UserBuffer::new(translated_byte_buffer(token, buf, len))
             ) as isize

The OS finds a file by file descriptor in the current process's file descriptor table, without worrying about the specific type of the file


  • Concept and implementation of files/directories
  • Design and implementation of file system
  • Process and file system
  • Can write a Tyrannosaurus OS

Tyrannosaurus Rex operating system

**program design**